วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Let Know you Brain

Today we have come to know in my brain.
Because of that, we now know that our brains are full of nerves that link together thousands. Scientists and psychologists worldwide. Have tried to create a map of the nervous system in the brain is the most complete. The nerves are all linked together by a length of 160,000 km, which is long enough to wrap around the Earth to the fourth round ever.

The brain works by firing an electromagnetic wave to the processed stuff. So, for the brain is disturbed by high magnetic fields. Or a tool called TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) comes close to his head to disturb the functioning of the brain. The brain can not process things. For example If the magnet to interfere with the brain, which acts Occipital Lope image from the retina. You are invisible even to the eyes.

The physical characteristics of the brain and other parts. And the function of each part of the brain.
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The brain is responsible for command and control of movement, behavior and balance within the body. (Homeostasis), such as heart rate, blood pressure, fluid balance, body temperature as a function of the brain also involves knowing (cognition), emotions, memory, learning, movement (motor learning) and the other. about learning
Brain cells contain two types of neurons and neuroglia. Gail Lee is responsible for the care and protection of neurons. Neuron, or nerve cell that transmits information in the form of an electrical signal known as a potential task (action potential) contacts between neurons is caused by the release of chemicals that are included. called Neurotransmitters (Neurotransmitter) across the area between two neurons called a synapse invertebrates such as insects, there are millions of neurons in the brain. Large vertebrates usually have more than one hundred billion neurons in the brain. The human brain is a special animal that matches the complexity and larger compared to the size of humans.

Components of the human brain Can be divided into three parts.Brain (Forebrain)Largest There are a number of notches Can be divided as follows:
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Montreal defenseman directory Bulb (olfactory bulb) on the front end serves - Sniffer (fish, frog and reptile brain is larger) in mammalian milk All factory Bulb will. uncivilized It will smell better by lining the nasal cavity.
The dash board (Cerebrum) is the largest. There are a number of notches Acts on learning. Capabilities As a function of muscles, speech, sight, smell, taste, divided into two halves. Each side called Cerebral hemisphere, and each side is divided into four lobes below.1.Frontal lobe controls the movement of sound mind, memory, intelligence, personality, emotional temperament.2.Temporal lobe controls, hearing, smell.3.Occipital lobe controls vision.4.Parietal lobe functions to control senses of touch, taste, speech.

Tala Thomas (Thalamus) is the center of the flow through him. And isolate nerve to the brain, nervous about it. Also known as a transfer station for removing the nerve impulses sent to the brain, and also served in pain perception. Made to order And live out the behavioral pain. Tala Thomas is a partner in the central brain of vertebrates, including humans. Tala Thomas is a cerebral cortex (Cerebral Cortex) and midbrain (Mid brain) in the center. And a center hub motor to. Is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses Sensory Specification (Special Sense) and passed to (Cerebral. Cortex) or larger cerebral cortex According to normal consciousness. (Conciousness) in sleep and waking. Tala Thomas will encompass around Angelica's ventricular (Third Ventricle) it is a product of the embryo Nick Encina Farr Sloan (Cmbryonic Diencephalon) or embryo midbrain Tala Thomas is the biggest. midbrain This is the part of the brain that lies between the midbrain (Mid brain) with Sensi FA alone and brain telethon Sifa alone (Telecephalon) in the human half of Tala Thomas each shaped like a rubber round. like the thermometer Can squeeze and release the Tala Imus is at the top of the brain stem. Around the center of the brain is in a position to send nerve impulses to fight different parts of the brain in all directions midbrain. (Diencephalon) include Ypsilanti Tala Thomas (Epithalamus) and retinol Blue Slate nucleus (Reticulate Nucleus) Tala Thomas has served many functions generally. Passed between Lining Torre McCall (Subcortical) and the cerebral cortex big (Cerebral Cortex) important function is to help in the work of Touch (Special Sense) Tala Mick nucleus to receive and transmit data to the first part of the core. Colby (Cortical area) such as images from a monitor eye or retina then sends Olathe Floral Janice manual pallet nucleus (Lateral Geniculate nucleus) in Tala Thomas is Chai to the first part of the brain that perceive. felt in seeing Prime Marie Victor Saunders cortex (primary visval cortex) in a hurry, neck or Antioch City Pigeon Continental Lube (Occital Lode) Tala Thomas will perform all data recognition and data transmission. Tala Thomas will take control consciousness. The excitement cautious expression If Tala Imus be destroyed. The body suffered severe pain called coma

Hypothalamus (Hypothalamus) - acts as the central nervous system. And hormones to control the production of hormones from the pituitary gland, which controls the balance of water and dissolved in the blood. And also on the temperature regulation. emotion The sleep-wake cycle and the hungry and the satiated feeling sexual.
Midbrain (Midbrain)

ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ สมองส่วนกลาง midbrain
The brain of the brain. Transfer stations are nervous The brain to the end and front of the eyes, acting on the movement of the eye and retina to grow in the animals, the fish, frogs, etc. in the human brain obtic lobe will grow to Corpora quadrigermia act on. hearing midbrain or Sen Josefa Alonso (Mesencephalon; midbrain), a structure of the brain. Consisting of midbrain tectum (tectum) (or core enough mold Quartet Drive Jay Amina (corpora quadrigemina), Texarkana momentum (tegmentum), Bowen's queue Lars chains Celia (ventricular mesocoelia),. C. Cabral and quickly as Michael P. (cerebral peduncle) also, it is the nucleus and bind many nerve fibers. Top of the brain connected with the end Josefa Alonso. (Diencephalon) consisting Tala Thomas hypothalamus, and the rear of the brain connected with Paul's (pons) brain is the part of the brain stem. Inside the lining is called standby Shea Night Grass (substantia nigra), acting on the control systems of the Great Bay Salman Lee Curry (basal ganglia) which initiate and control the movement of the body. Midbrain development of bulbous middle of the neural tube or neural YouTube (neural tube), which will develop a brain sections later in the bulb three of neural YouTube showed central brain is there. changes among the least developed in terms of format development and internal structure of the central brain of human origin with archipallium the evolution of the vertebrate brain, the most ancient. Chemical dopamine, which builds on standby Ocean liner. Night Grameen role in adaptation and motivation in organisms ranging from humans to the lower animals, such as insects.
Brain footer (Hindbrain) base.
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Paul Burns (Pons) in front of a series Blake Lam. Adjacent to the midbrain To control some functions of the body such as chewing food. Salivation The movement of facial muscles, breathing and hearing.
New Dallas (Medulla) the brain end. With cord The passage of nerve impulses between the brain and the spinal cord. A central control over the mind, such as coughing, sneezing, breathing, heartbeat, etc. hiccup.
Serene Blake Lam (Cerebellum).Serie Bellus or cerebellum (Cerebellum) is an area of ​​the brain that acts in the process of recognition and control of command. The series Blake Lam served synchronization control command. The neural pathways connecting the series Bellus and Cortex Command of C dash board. (Which sends information to the muscles to move) and vessels nerve fibers of the Nova series, Bella's (spinocerebellar tract) (which transmits data proprioception from the spinal cord back to Serie Blake Lam). Serene Blake Lam served in processing sensory pathways. Using information about body position and movement information to send back. Lesions caused in Serie Blake Lam does not cause muscle weakness or paralysis caused. It would be wrong to send data back, which caused disorder in subtle movement, balance, posture and body position, and learning to command. Observation of physiology in the early 18th century indicate that patients with damage to the Serie Bellus will have to coordinate command (motor coordination) and movement. Research on the role of Bellus series in the early to mid 19th century to study the disease and try to cut the series Bellus in the brains of experimental animals. The researchers note that the physiological lesion caused the animal is moving, unusual, clumsy gait, and muscle weakness. Noting that time concluded that the cause Serie Bellus is a structure on control orders. However, modern research shows that the series Blake Lam has served a diverse than it is incumbent on the thought process (of citizens; cognition), such as attention, processing and language, music, and other temporary stimulus. Serie Bellus is located at the back of the head is indented below. (End brain regions (Rhombencephalon)) on the back of Paul's (pons) and below the occipital lobe (occipital lobe) of the DC rush Rum Series Blake Lam cells contain granules (granule cell), small amounts of it. there are more than 50% of all brain neurons. But only 10% of the volume of the total brain volume. Serene Blake Lam received neural input up to about 200 million nerve fibers in the eye (optic nerve) consist only of neural fibers. Serene Blake Lam divided into left and right halves, as well as C dash board. And is divided into 10 small petals petal arrangement of neurons in the series Blake alums are all the same. Is connected to a series of vertically integrated. The arrangement is the same as making it easier to study neural circuits.

source :
The Kham Tam Samong book by Mr.Khun Khao Sinthusan Khejongbhut

